Bidding at eBay = "No Risc, no Fun ! "
If you are going to bid and to buy Ascend MAXen over ebay, you may have luck or not. This picture shows a badly handled MAX 6000 during transport and a crashed "Kentrox T3/E3 to HSSI converter". The first one is a total crash with no chance to get it fixed again. The coaxial plugs from the Kentrox may be exchanged, but thats to expensive too.
We did buy some MAX 4000 for test purpose over ebay and did take them apart to view any module and spy for any trick with the least risc. There was no intention, to get them fully working again.
We did find what we did look for and we did try to convert a T1 MAX 4000 to an E1 MAX without risc. We got one channel working, have been very happy (for a few hours), but with the next channel we did kill the mother board with a medium size flash.
This was funny, but riscless (for our equipment). You have better NOT to try it yourself. For you and for us its absolutely impossible to convert a MAX 4000 from T1 to E1. May be it works on a MAX 6000, we will check this later.
Keep hands of from these old MAXen.
Looking to the rear side of the MAX points to the old slot filler plates earlier than 1996 on the left or newer ones later.
So check the serial-number!
Be careful and at least request the serial-number. Better you leave a very very good deal than to waste 100 or 200 bucks or more.
We will add a page what serials have had what power supply later.