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The Ascend Hash-Codes (or "options")

The sales documentation talks about "Feature Codes" or "Option Codes", the technicians say "hash codes". It seems to be all the same. These codes must be enabled ( initially most codes are disabled) and you need to pay for. Lucent does no more supply any MAX codes, as we know.

To understand a little bit about many special Ascend MAX features enabled by "hash-codes", here is a sample for the Pipelines found anywhere in the past.

I dont know, how these codes are generated. But many MAXen came with a lot of added features, printed on the label on the bottem side.


For some reason (lost password) you have to erease the internal 2MB flash and load a new TAOS into the MAX - and all hashcodes are gone.


However, there is a database in the USA with Lucent and these people know, what was inside your MAX initially and/or what was bought later. As I heard from Lucent people in Germany, these support people from Lucent US will supply the current hashcode to you by e-mail. These "hash-codes" are serial-number related, allways !!! Nevertheless, if you plan to do anything with your flash, you should save the "hash-codes" first.

Here is an information about available "hash-codes" for MAX3000/6000 from end of 2002.

What are the various TAOS Software options or "hash-codes"?


TAOS Software options or "hash-codes" provide customized functionality for specific

WAN access needs.

These Software options include:

  • Frame Relay
  • VPN - Virtual Private Networking (L2TP, PPTP and Virtual Routing support)
  • R2 signaling
  • ISDN signaling (with BRI and PRI signaling homologation in more than 30 countries worldwide)
  • Signaling System 7
  • MultiVoice (VolP)
  • NavisAccess (for network management and control)

How to Enter Feature Codes and Hash Codes into a Pipeline Unit to Enable IPSec/VPN

Table of Contents


1. Verify the Pipeline unit's features

2. Enter the firewall hash codes into the Pipeline unit

3. Enter the IPSec feature codes







Scope - This document applies to the following Ascend products:

  • The Pipeline 50, 75, 85, 130, 220 series routers
  • Pipeline 50, 75, and 85 units must be rev 2 models with serial numbers 7220000 and above


This document explains how to enter hash codes and feature codes into a Pipeline unit to enable IPSec. A Hash Code enables a software feature in the unit, for example the firewall. A feature code determines a feature's extent, for example 40-bit encryption or 56-bit encryption. The firewall, if not already enabled, is turned on with a hash code. IPSec is enabled by a feature code in the Pipeline unit and works in conjunction with the SecureConnect firewall. If the firewall feature is not already installed, installing the IPSec feature code will enable the firewall feature after the next reboot.


  • Software version 6.1.7 or later installed on the Pipeline unit (for the Pipeline 50, 75, 85, and 130 units, only "i" loads support IPSec; the supported loads are b2i.p75, bi.p13. All loads for the Pipeline 220 unit support IPSec)
  • The Secure Access feature codes
  • The IPSec feature hash codes
  • Access to your Pipeline unit’s VT100 menu interface
  • Familiarity with navigating the menu interface
  • Full access privileges for the Pipeline menu interface. (From the menu, press CTRL+D, go to Password, then to Full Access. Enter the Full Access Password. The default Full Access Password is Ascend)

Enter the firewall hash codes into the Pipeline

  • # Connect to the Pipeline unit’s menus.
  • # If necessary, go to a Full Access security mode.
  • # Press CTRL+D and choose D=Diagnostics.
  • # At the (>) prompt, enter the hash codes line by line. If you have received the hash codes by email or in a file format, open the file, select the entire first line, copy it to the ">" prompt, then hit the enter key. It should look like the example below (but will be specific to your unit).

> update 7 1023 4 dBeC`5h5cgy;|D

> Update Command, Command Complete

  • # Repeat this step for all lines.
  • # Verify that all lines have been entered with NO ERRORS. If at any time you receive an error code like the one below, you must restart from the beginning

> update command: invalid arg 4!

  • # Reset the unit by typing reset at the (>) prompt.
  • # Repeat Step 1 to verify that the firewall is installed.
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